Operated By:
Advancement International Ltd.
595 Circlewood, Aurora, OH 44202(USA)
Phone: 330-562-8983 | FAX: 330-562-9990
 Connectors Inc.


Brumall Manufacturing Corp.

Brumall Manufacturing


Greaves Corp.


Electrical Connectors

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TORK-KRIMP ICON Patent Pending
IHI Connectors ® TORK-KRIMP ® Patented Self Crimping, With and Without Ferrules, Mechanical Connectors
TORK-KRIMP ICON Patent Pending



No More crimping tools, with TORK-KRIMP ®
No More crimp die changing, with TORK-KRIMP ®
No More die selection charts, with TORK-KRIMP ®
No More buying high end ferrules that have to exactly match the wire size and class you want to use, with TORK-KRIMP ®
No More crimping labor costs, with TORK-KRIMP ®
No More checking to see if the crimped wire is approved in the connector, with TORK-KRIMP ®
No More changing out the connector for using on Copper, or Aluminum, or Flex, or Ferruled wires, with TORK-KRIMP ®
One Connector - does it all, TORK-KRIMP ®






Q.  What is TORK-KRIMP ™?
A.  TORK-KRIMP ® is IHI’s tradename for a line of connectors that can be used with standard code copper or aluminum wire (Dual Rated), FLEX copper wire, and stranded copper wire with “self-crimped” ferrules.


Q. What are “self-crimped”  ferrules?
A.  Self-Crimped ferrules are ferrules picked from standard market place ferrules made to DIN4xxx  to match the size on the IHI instruction sheet, which when used at the instructed torque, will both crimp the ferrule to the wire and the wire to the connector in one action.


Any connector user or manufacturer who wishes to use this patented feature may make a request to IHI Connectors ® for an appropriate license. For more information see the Patent information page.


IHI Connector part numbers that carry the TORK KRIMP ® registered trade mark are sold with the license fee prepaid for use of this patent on the specific listed catalog number parts made and listed by IHI under the TORK KRIMP ® trademark. A list of parts with the TORK KRIMP ® patented feature pre-licensed with the purchase of the parts is maintained on the web sites along with the TORK KRIMP ® trademark and logo.


Q.  Why is it better?
A. 1. The labor saving’s in not having to pre-crimp ferrules to the wire before mounting in the wire connector
      2. No need to figure out if the ferrules and crimp tools are already Listed for use with that particular wire gauge and stranding class
      3. Save money by buying standard industry ferrules from any source.


Q. What standard ferrules may be used in TORK-KRIMP ® connectors?
A. If choosing all metal (non-plastic covered) ferrules they only need to be made to DIN46228 part 1  (bare) and Part 4 (covered) dimensions and materials since UL486F is based on the same dimensions and materials . 


Q. Are you saying that the bare ferrules do not need to be listed under a UL standard when used on TORK-KRIMP ®
A. Correct. Since the bare ferrules do not have plastic insulation, UL only requires that the ferrules be “made to dimensions and materials that are listed in UL486F” (the ferrule standard) which matches the DIN 46228 Part 1 (bare)  standard.

By default, the bare metal ferrules chosen under the IHI instruction sheet, by wire gauge and length will also meet the dimensional and material requirements of UL486F 


Q. What about covered ferrules?
A. Since covered ferrules have plastic insulation they do need to be listed under UL486F or UL486A or any similar appropriate UL/Canada  standard which includes UL/Canada  control of the plastic properties.  DIN46228 Part 4 (covered) dimensions and materials also meet the UL486F standard but the plastic needs to be UL/Canada Listed. 


Q. Are you saying that if the ferrules meet the instruction sheet requirements, then for TORK-KRIMP ® rated connectors we do not have to worry about if it was already agency tested for the gauges and stranding classes that IHI has listed on the torque labels?
A.  Correct. Since there is no pre-crimping and no crimping tools needed, it is irrelevant whether the ferrules you use were tested or not for any type of wire.


Q.  Are these Listed for factory and field use?
A.  Yes. Once you buy an IHI brand TORK-KRIMP ® rated lug you can choose to use it on almost any type of wire (see quote label) with and without a standard ferrule added in a field or factory environment.


Tork-krimp ferrule chart

UL486F dimensions are the same as DIN 46228 Part 1 and Part 4 (covered)

Copyright © 2025 Advancement International Ltd, Aurora Ohio - All Rights Reserved
Advancement International Ltd is a registered company of Ohio, USA
IHI® is the Registered Trademark of International Hydraulics Inc. is owned and operated by Advancement International Ltd.
Made in the USA from domestic and imported parts. USMCA CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE